Are you a new swimming pool owner in need of pool safety advice? Are you a long time pool owner who would feel better having an update on pool safety measures you need to put in place? If you now have young children or grandchildren visiting your pool, the safety measures you had before, may not be robust enough.

The swimming pool contractors from Seahorse Pools in Fort Worth, Texas offer 3 pool safety tips to consider and put in place before summer gets into full swing.

3 Pool Safety Tips

  • Never leave anyone unattended. You wouldn’t leave a baby or child alone in a bathtub and you should never leave them alone in the pool. Adults should also never swim alone. It is always good to have the “buddy system” in place. When children are in the pool have them wear life vests even if they can swim. That additional layer of safety is peace of mind that money can’t buy.  
  • Do you have guests who come over and insist on doing cannonballs regardless of the number of people in the pool? It might make sense to not invite them or to ensure someone is keeping a watch on that person in order to keep everyone else safe.
  • Safety equipment has to be within easy reach at all times. A shepherd’s hook, a life ring, life vests, self-locking pool safety gates. Flotation devices can be used in an emergency but don’t rely on pool noodles or water wings to keep anyone safe.

Pool safety is always changing, especially with new technologies always being developed. You don’t have to go high tech with pool safety measures — diligence and vigilance are key.