Where should your swimming pool go? It’s a question the swimming pool contractors from Seahorse Pools & Spas in Fort Worth, Texas discuss with their customers when they are in the beginning stages of the pool construction project.

If you have a large yard, the decision may be easier and have more options that for those homeowners who have small yard space that make decisions on pool placement moot. The decision on where to place the pool means you will have a dramatic physical change to the “flow” and usable living space in the backyard.

You will need to take a lot of care and put thought into the pool siting. Ask your pool contractor for a bird’s eye view of your backyard space with the pool placed in different areas. You will also want to take into consideration the degree of difficulty and cost for the pool’s placement as it relates to the plumbing and electrical set up.

Where should your swimming pool go?

Zoning laws in your area may preclude placement of the swimming pool in certain parts of the yard because of property line setbacks or other unique municipal construction rules and regulations. Many swimming pool contractors understand these regulations and can help walk you through the process. He will also help you obtain the necessary permits for your pool project.

Don’t forget to factor in weather conditions when you place the swimming pool. The pattern of the sun, the existing trees that you use for shade and even how far you will have to dash to get to the swimming pool should be factors. You will use the swimming pool in the summer so the weather won’t be too much of a factor, but if you have a hot tub in your pool and will want to use that year round you need to consider that. How far will you want to run to and from the house to get into and out of the hot tub?

Your pool contractor will take into consideration the wind patterns that wll blow across the surface of your pool. Wind leads to water evaporation. Also, in theory, if your pool is sited with a southern exposure in will be warmer than one with a northern exposure. If you’re constructing a lap pool, it’s best to have it on a north-south direction as it will reduce your swimming into the sun either during sunrise or sunset hours.

Work with a pool contractor who will take his or her time and work with you to assure your pool is sited where you want, but also in a place that makes sense for the long run.